Utilizing Crestron TCP/IP or UDP/IP symbols with Node Red
Utilizing Crestron TCP/IP or UDP/IP symbols with Node Red
Interfacing with Third Party Control
In this example we will show how to setup a Crestron IP Client (TCP or UDP) to send and receive commands between a Crestron Processor and the Parallax Control Processing using Node Red. We will send the text "hello from crestron".
Crestron Simpl Windows Setup
Add a TCP/IP Client symbol and Serial I/O symbol. In this example we are going to use port 65534. A delimiter of \x0d is used in the Serial I/O to denote the end of the message. This logic will attempt to connect to the Parallax processor on startup and send the message “hello from crestron” as soon as the TCP connection is made.
Configure the TCP/IP Client symbol with the ip address of the Parallax Control Processor
Parallax Control setup in Node-RED:
Drop in the Tcp in node and connect a debug node to read the output. Set the port to listen onto 65534.
The message is received and printed to the debug log.