Drag the MyCustomRowObject to the newly created Prefab folder, it will turn into a prefab object for reusability.
Unhide the Audio_Page and add a GameObject container. Expand it to fill the area and rename it “body”.
Next add another GameObject called “MyCustomRowObject”, in the RectTransform set it to (ALT + Middle/Stretch) so that it expands to fill the width of the body container. Set it to a height of 50 pixels. Add a background Image. Add a Horizontal Layout Group to the background Image. Next, add an empty GameObject for the slider. Add another empty GameObject for the Text. Both cells should automatically populate next to each other. Add the Slider and Text object as child components to each of the Empty GameObjects.
Next we will save the “MyCustomRowObject” as a prefab. First create a new folder under the Assets folder called Prefabs. Then drag the “MyCustomRowObject” into the folder. When you drag it into the prefab folder it will turn blue indicating it is now a prefab.
You can now delete the MyCustomRowObject prefab from your scene, as it is saved as a prefab for later use.
In the next section we will use the prefab in the ScrollingListController script to create a horizontal or vertical scrolling list.